Tony Cortes – A Little About Tony Cortes

Tony Cortes & Project Live More

I know I wasn't born just to pay bills and die, and neither were you.  Ask Me About Project Live More!

A Little About Tony Cortes

Gasparilla with FriendsHi, I’m Tony Cortes, it’s nice to meet you. Are you struggling with online marketing?

Would you like to increase your sales?

I help small business owners, entrepreneur, and network marketers create an online presence for attracting customer, clients, and prospects to them.

I have helped a number of authors, speakers, and Top Earners build an online presence as well as generate Millions in revenue through their website, Max Steingart, Bill Quian, and Burke Hedges to name a few.

I live in New Port Richey, Florida on the Anclote river and Life is Great! But It wasn’t always that way.

I’m a former military pilot. After retiring in 2002, I floundered for a few years. I went to countless airline job conferences to turn in my resumes all to discover the airlines just was not hiring because of 911. Prior to 911, the demand for pilots were at an all-time high, after the terrorist attack quickly went to zero. Airlines had a hiring freeze, and many of the majors were furloughing pilots

After going through my savings, I realized I needed to find a regular job, I never considered flying as a real job because I love it so much. Have you ever felt that way?

I then worked a number of low paying jobs. Sadly, this affected my self-esteem and my marriage of 23 years. I went from what I felt like on top of the world in 2002 to my all-time low just 2 years later. I lost my wife, my house, my life as I knew it. Left with lots of bills. I move into a very small apartment and with my 14 year old son.

Tony Cortes -The Struggling Years

I was struggling to say the least. I allowed myself to gain weight, disregarded my health, and on the financial side I barely was making ends meet. I had my electric turned off twice, which only added to what I couldn't afford in the first place to get it turned back on. Two other times I had to borrow money from my 19 y/o daughter to keep it on. It was extremely embarrassing and for the first time in my life I felt helpless.   I felt guilty, lost, alone, and generally horrible, but I had to put on a good game face every morning so my son wouldn't worry. Inside I felt like...I'm better than this. If you ever been in this spot, you know it very depressing.

By the way, if you are wondering about my retirement check. It’s not as much as you may think, and splitting it with my ex-wife made it, well let’s say it gave me just enough to pay the rent, and yes, I do realize there are other in much worst situations.

Tony Cortes - When It Started to Change

Bob Reina and Tony CortesA very successful business owner, who is not a good friend, I met while doing a job for them becoming aware of myself pity (not believing in it himself) told me if I was open to an online business that didn't interfere with what I was currently doing, (which would have been a concern) I could get paid instantly, and if I worked hard, it could change my fortune (or lack thereof). Because it was an online product there was no inventory to deal with. I thought that sounds great, but then I thought, wait I can barely pay my electric bill, how was I going to sign-up for this, but then I thought I can't not afford to. I was tired of the way things were. I have to do something because what I was doing wasn't working. Poverty helps no one. Just getting by is not the way I wanted to live. So, I signed up.

I believe that day changed the direction of my life because I was excited again.

It got me out meeting nice people and started me on a personal growth journey where I learned a little mental exercise that change my attitude and once that changed, so did my downward spiral.

How Do You Feel About Network Marketing?

I have to say initially, I was skeptical of the whole network marketing thing, and that it was just a get rich quick scheme and it was only filled with people just looking to take advantage of others which is totally against my inner being.

I discovered, that couldn't be further from the truth. It's filled with loving people willing to help you in any way they can (quite opposite from the corporate world where it's dog eat dog). I also learned it was filled with most would consider very successful people. Doctors, lawyers, engineers and other business owners that all seem to have one thing in common. They wanted more. For some they wanted more money, but for most, they wanted a better life. More time to spend with their family, less job stress, a little more freedom.

For me, I just wanted to get out of the slump I was in.

Tony Cortes - Lessons I learned About the Industry

The industry is designed for busy people. It’s not a get rich quick, but for little investment (which makes since because it is a business you are investing in) you can quickly make enough to make a difference in your life. You first 1000 a month is hard than reaching 10k a month, and the industry is filled with people who never make a dime. There is one simple reason for this, they are not willing to risk. The risk that that they may fail, the risk that others may think bad of them, their self-image. They rather drown in a sea of debt or be stressed to the breaking point rather possibility of looking bad.

Interesting enough, some of the most successful people in the industry, I mean the ones making Millions was in the same boat until it hit the rocks and there was nowhere else to go, and in their despair they found a new way as rose to the top.

Here is a fact a fact about the industry, the people who share their product that leads to sales, all get paid. Sales equals pay.

Listen, you don’t have to be an expert sales person, with most companies it designed so that you just have to point them a presentation, and you let the system do its job. Can you increase the chances of making a sale? Sure, by raising your skills, but what skills you lack can be made up by numbers. You have to work, no question, but the reward is worth it.

Donna Anderson Cortes and Tony CortesTony Cortes - Life Is Great!

Today, I’m remarried to a wonderful woman. We have a wonderful family and the most amazing friends.  We are truly blessed.

We live on 1 ½ acres, in a gated community in a very nice house on the Anclote River which works out because we love to kayak.

Prior to the place we live in now, me being able to work from home, allowed us to move and live on Melbourne Beach while my wife pursued her nursing home administrators license, fulfilling her dream of helping others in her way.

It also gave me the opportunity to learn to surf. It was exhilarating, but I’ll be honest I never got that good at it. I still loved it.

Tony Cortes surfingWhen you make the transition from it being about you to it truly being about helping others succeed. When it goes from your head to your heart, that’s when you get the greatest growth and income.

If you are struggling in our life, I invite you to reach out, lock arms with us. I have spent tens of thousands of dollars and more in hours on training and working with industry experts and top earners.   Tony Cortes on the BeachI don't expect you to do that, but I want you to know, if you are coachable, I'm willing to train you and share with you the secret strategies and techniques I've learn. Everyone struggle in the beginning. I'll help you through that. I'll help you through it whether you have your own business you are pursuing or looking for one.

If you decide you want to work with us, we have a secret Facebook group called “Project Live More” it’s a growing community. It’s all about developing, encouraging, inspiring, but most importantly insuring that everyone has success so they can do more with the ones they love.

As a community leader, I and the others are committed to developing you as a person. To groom your skills which is something that will always serve you and something you can take it with you, not that you will ever want to go anywhere else. You've found a home.

Join Us Now, but if not, I'd still would like to invite you to become my Facebook friend, just send me a friend request. I'll be happy help you anyway I can. You can find me on Facebook.

So my friend, I want to leave you with one last thing. Whether you join us, locked arm in arm or go on your own journey alone. If you genuinely help others, provide the value that’s within you, you will be more wealthy than you ever imagine.

Stay focused my friend. All the Best to You,

Tony Cortes

I would love to hear from you.  Commented below if you would like to connect.

Tony Cortes

Building An Online Presence Blog


Phone: (727) 743-7456

Periscope - Find Me On Periscope

P.S. if you want to know what the little mental exercise is that will change your world, send me a Facebook message. I'll be happy to share it. Here's a hint though, Tony Robbins does it every day as part of his daily routine. Send Me A Message Here.

Military Life