WHERE THERE IS WILL – Your Daily Insight with Jesse Cortes

WHERE THERE IS WILL – Your Daily Insight with Jesse Cortes

Today, is a short, but powerful message.

It comes from my son Jesse Cortes.  He shot this a couple of days ago.

His message is Where there is a will, there is a way.

Just a little background, for years, probably since he was 10, Jesse dreamed of going to the University of Miami.

It was all things UM back then, his room, his clothes, what he watched on TV and talked about.

When Jesse graduated high school, it was tight for us.

Jesse lived with me and we were just getting by.

His mom and I had just divorced, and it was tough.

Jesse thought about applying to UM, but figured there is no way, that school is just too expensive.

So he attended the local college.  He got his associate, but still longed to go to UM for his bachelors.

We were talking one day, and he said how much he wished he could go to UM.

I told him, Jesse you should apply.  We will figure it out.

Because I believe this is true, I told him, You know,  Where there is a will, there is a way.

I've been there before.  I've done it.

Most of the time, in comes with a lot of sacrifice, but it's worth it.

Jesse, applied that year, and he was accepted.

With his acceptance letter was a grant for something like $28,000 towards his school for that year.

There was still quite a bit that we had to come up with, but that grant solidified our determination and belief that we could do this.

His mom and I come up with the rest, plus his living expenses for the next two years and attend and graduated from Miami.

Today, Jesse is in China as an exchange student as he will be graduating with his International MBA from FIU. August 2016.

Another dream coming true.

The academic work is done, and going to China is just part of the experience.

This was shot on the Great Wall of China.

Can you imagine.  Your Daily Insight coming from the Great Wall of China.  That's pretty cool.

Share with someone who you know has big dreams but not sure if they can pull it off.  Maybe a family member, friend, your team.

If you are struggling or just plain stuck.  Send me a private message to tony@tonycortes.com, and lets talk about it.

Stay focused my friends.

What is your dream? 

Comment below and share if you got value.

Tony Cortes


Tony Cortes's Building An Online Presence Blog

Email: tony@tonycortes.com

Phone: (727) 743-7456

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HAPPINESS LIES IN THE JOY OF ACHIEVEMENT - Your Daily Insight with Tony Cortes

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