NEVER COUNT YOURSELF OUT - Your Daily Insight with Tony Cortes


There is no such thing as no chance.

Don't think about the things you can't do.

Think about the things you can do.

No matter what the level your ability is, you have more potential than you can ever develop in a lifetime.

You have powers you never dreamed of.

You can do things you never thought you could do.

There are no limitations to what you can achieve except the limitations you have in your own mind.

Your range of available choices right now is limitless.

Look at things as they can be.

Stay focused my friends

Name two things you've accomplished today? 

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Tony Cortes


Tony Cortes's Building An Online Presence Blog


Phone: (727) 743-7456

Periscope - Tony Cortes on Periscope

P.S.  If You Don't have a Team, Haven't Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This Free List of 7 Secrets that Top Earners Use on a Daily Basis to Build Their Teams Is What You Should Get.  CLICK HERE.

NEVER COUNT YOURSELF OUT - Your Daily Insight with Tony Cortes

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  1. Tony Cortes on May 18, 2016 at 7:21 pm

    Simple message today. You have more ability than you give yourself credit for. Use it. Stop saying you can’t do something because I know…YOU CAN. 😉

  2. Theresa Candy Lovelace on May 18, 2016 at 11:06 pm

    It starts with believing in yourself. Great post, Tony, and simple reminder. 🙂