MAKE CHANGE A POSITIVE PART OF YOUR LIFE - Your Daily Insight with Tony Cortes

You must avoid breaking when things don't go your way.

You'll always be secure to the degree that you accept change.

True security comes from being able to bend your insecurities.

Recognize and accept that change will inevitably take place.

You'll become secure, not by standing still, but by growing, moving, and staying energized.

Be secure in the knowledge that you can deal with anything that happens to you.

Have the courage to bet on your ideas.  Take some calculated risks and act on your dreams.

There is no permanent security on this earth, there is only opportunity.

Stay focused my friends.

Name two things you've accomplished today? 

Comment below and share if you got value.

Tony Cortes


Tony Cortes's Building An Online Presence Blog


Phone: (727) 743-7456

Periscope - Tony Cortes on Periscope

P.S.  If You Don't have a Team, Haven't Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This Free List of 7 Secrets that Top Earners Use on a Daily Basis to Build Their Teams Is What You Should Get.  CLICK HERE.

MAKE CHANGE A POSITIVE PART OF YOUR LIFE - Your Daily Insight with Tony Cortes

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