YOU DO NOT EXIST JUST FOR YOURSELF – Your Daily Insight with Tony Cortes

YOU DO NOT EXIST JUST FOR YOURSELF - Your Daily Insight with Tony Cortes

Always think in terms of what the other person wants.

Doing things for others always pays dividends, and your success depends on the support of others.

Put yourself in another's place so you can better understand their needs, and how you can possibly help.

You can have anything in life that you want if you'll help enough other people get what they want.

You can succeed fastest by helping others to succeed.

Personal relationships are the fertile soil from which all advancement, all achievement, and all success in real life grows.

When you help someone's boat across a river, you'll find your own boat has reached the other side too.

Stay focused my friends

Take a moment and share it with someone you care about.   And if you are the one it’s shared with, just know, you have someone who cares and is thinking about you. ☺

Tony Cortes


Tony Cortes's Building An Online Presence Blog


Phone: (727) 743-7456

Periscope - Tony Cortes on Periscope

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YOU DO NOT EXIST JUST FOR YOURSELF - Your Daily Insight with Tony Cortes

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Your Daily Insights Are Little Sun Rays of Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement to Get Your Day Started Off Right 🙂

1 Comment

  1. Tony Cortes on June 10, 2016 at 12:44 pm

    The more you help others succeed, that faster you will succeed. Comment and Share if you get value 😀

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